11. Dictionaries and Sets

11.1. Motivation for associative container

The following code simulates the outcomes from rolling a dice multiple times.

import random

dice_rolls = [random.randint(1,6) for i in range(10)]
6 5 5 4 2 1 5 2 2 1

What is the distribution, i.e., fractional counts?

distribution = [dice_rolls.count(i) / len(dice_rolls) for i in range(7)]

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.stem(range(7), distribution, use_line_collection=True)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
(0.0, 1.0)
../_images/Dictionaries and Sets_7_1.png

In the above code, distribution[i] stores the fractional count of outcome i.

However, distribution[0] is 0 because a dice does not have outcome 0. Can we avoid such redundancy?

distinct_outcomes = [
    outcome for outcome in range(1, 7) if dice_rolls.count(outcome) > 0
distribution = [
    dice_rolls.count(distinct_outcomes[i]) / len(dice_rolls)
    for i in range(len(distinct_outcomes))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.stem(distinct_outcomes, distribution, use_line_collection=True)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
(0.0, 1.0)
../_images/Dictionaries and Sets_10_1.png

In the above code,

  • distinct_outcomes stores the list of distinct outcomes, and

  • distribution[distinct_outcomes[i]] stores the fractional count of the i-th distinct outcome.

What about finding the distribution of characters in an article?
There are 1,112,064 unicode characters.

  • How obtain the distribution efficiently without creating an entry for each unicode character?

  • How to compute the set of distinct characters efficiently without iterating over the set of all unicode characters?

  • Can we index distribution directly by the set of distinct characters?

What we need is a composite data type that

  • can keep a set of unique keys of different types (such as the characters in our example), and

  • associate to different keys possibly different values of any types such as (the fractional counts of the characters).

Such data structure is called an associative container.

How to use associative containers in Python?

There are two built-in classes for associative containers:

  • set can store a set of unique keys of possibly different types.

  • dictionary can store a set of key-value pairs.

We have already used sets and dictionaries before.

%%mytutor -h 400
a = (lambda **kwargs: kwargs)(start=0, stop=5, step=1)
b = set([1,1,2,3,3,3])
assert len(a) == len(b)

Both set and dict

  • implement len method that returns the number of keys, and

  • are mutable, so we can mutate their keys and values.

11.2. Constructing associative containers

How to create set/dictionary?

Similar to tuple/list, we can use enclosure, constructors, and comprehension.

How to create a set/dict by enumerating its keys/values?

For dict, enclose a comma-separated sequence of key : value pairs by braces { and }.

%%mytutor -h 350
empty_dictionary = {}
a = {'a': 0, 'b': 1}
b = {**a, 'c': 0, 'd': 1}

For set, omit : value.

%%mytutor -h 300
a = {(1, 2.0), print, *range(2), *'23'}
empty_set = {*()}  # Why not use {}?

We can also create a set/dictionary from other objects using their constructors set/dict.

%%mytutor -h 550
empty_set = set()
string2set = set('abc')
range2set = set(range(2))
list2set = set(['abc',range(2)])
set2set = set(list2set)
%%mytutor -h 650
empty_dict = dict()
enumerate2dict = dict(enumerate('abc'))
zip2dict = dict(zip('abc','123'))
kwargs2dict = dict(one=1,two=2)
dict2dict = dict(kwargs2dict)

Exercise dict also has a class method fromkeys to construct a dictionary with keys from iterable pointing to a default value. Create a dictionary using fromkeys with keys being the non-negative integers smaller than 100 and values being 0.

Hint: Use dict.fromkeys since a class method is bound to the class rather than an object of the class.

fromkeys_dict = dict.fromkeys(range(100),0)

# test
assert all(fromkeys_dict[k] == 0 for k in fromkeys_dict)

How to use a rule to construct a set/dictionary?

The following function uses a one-line dictionary comprehension to return the distribution of items in a sequence:

def distribute(seq):
    return {k : seq.count(k)/len(seq) for k in set(seq)}
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_distribution(seq):
    dist = distribute(seq)
    plt.stem(dist.keys(),   # set-like view of the keys
             dist.values(), # view of the values
    plt.ylim(0, 1)
plot_distribution('What is the distribution of different characters?')
../_images/Dictionaries and Sets_35_0.png
  • The object methods keys and values provide a dynamic view of the keys.

  • Unlike a copy, subsequent changes to the dictionary are also reflected in a previously returned view.

  • items provides a set-like view of the key-value pairs.

%%mytutor -h 500
a = dict(enumerate('abc'))
views = a.keys(), a.values(), a.items()
a.pop(1)    # remove the key 1 and its associated value
a.popitem() # remove and return a key-value pair
a.clear()   # clear the dictionary

set has pop and clear but not popitem. However, set.pop behaves like dict.popitem instead of dict.pop. (Why?)

%%mytutor -h 250
a = set('abc')
a.pop()     # remove and return an element
a.clear()   # clear the set

Exercise Use one-line comprehension to return a set of composite numbers smaller than stop.

Hint: You do not need to worry about duplicate elements for set.

def composite_set(stop):
    return {x for factor in range(2,stop) for x in range(factor*2,stop,factor)}
4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99

11.3. Hashability

For set and dict,

  • identical keys are merged to the same entry even though

  • values associated with different keys can be the same.

%%mytutor -h 350
a = {0: 'a', 0.0: 'b', 2: 'b'}
b = {0j, 0, 0.0, '', False}
assert 0 == 0.0 == 0j == False != ''

This is implemented efficiently by hashing. A key must be a hashable object which:

  • has a hash value (returned by __hash__ method) that never changes during its lifetime, and

  • can be compared (using __eq__ method) to other objects.
    Hashable objects which compare equal must have the same hash value.

import collections

for i in 0, 0.0, 0j, '', False, (), [], {}, set(), frozenset():
    if isinstance(i, collections.abc.Hashable):
        print('{} is hashable. E.g., hash({!r}) == {}'.format(type(i),i,hash(i)))
        print('{} is NOT hashable.'.format(type(i)))
<class 'int'> is hashable. E.g., hash(0) == 0
<class 'float'> is hashable. E.g., hash(0.0) == 0
<class 'complex'> is hashable. E.g., hash(0j) == 0
<class 'str'> is hashable. E.g., hash('') == 0
<class 'bool'> is hashable. E.g., hash(False) == 0
<class 'tuple'> is hashable. E.g., hash(()) == 3527539
<class 'list'> is NOT hashable.
<class 'dict'> is NOT hashable.
<class 'set'> is NOT hashable.
<class 'frozenset'> is hashable. E.g., hash(frozenset()) == 133146708735736

Why the key should be hashable?
What is the use of a hash value?

Associative containers are implemented as hash tables for efficient lookup of key values.

<iframe width="912" height="513" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LPzN8jgbnvA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Most mutable objects are not hashable. Why?
Mutating a key makes it a different key, which is hard to track.

set has an immutable counterpart called frozenset, but dict does not have any immutable counterpart. Why?
While elements of a set must be hashable and therefore mostly immutable, dictionary values may be of mutable types.

Python also uses dictionary for its global/local frames.
Indeed, hash collisions can slow down the lookup process.

Exercise Why equal objects must have the same hash but different objects may have the same hash? An example is given below:

assert hash(0) == hash(0.0) == hash(0j) == hash(False) == hash('') and False != ''
  1. To avoid duplicate keys occupying different entries in a hash table.

  2. Hash collision can be detected by == and handled by collision resolution techniques. To keep the hash table small, hash collision is unavoidable.

11.4. Accessing keys/values

How to traverse a set/dictionary?

Set and dictionaries are iterable.
The for loop iterates over the keys.

a = set('abcde')
b = dict(enumerate('abcde'))
print(*(element for element in a))
print(*((key,b[key]) for key in b))
a[0]  # TypeError
b d c e a
(0, 'a') (1, 'b') (2, 'c') (3, 'd') (4, 'e')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-6702302c4a5e> in <module>
      3 print(*(element for element in a))
      4 print(*((key,b[key]) for key in b))
----> 5 a[0]  # TypeError

TypeError: 'set' object is not subscriptable
  • For the dictionary b, we used subscription b[key] to access the value associated with key.

  • Unlike dictionary, set does not implement __getitem__ and is therefore not subscriptable.

Unlike tuple/list, b[-1] does not refer to the value of the last entry. (Dictionary is not ordered.)

b[-1]  # KeyError
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-784624678be8> in <module>
----> 1 b[-1]  # KeyError

KeyError: -1

The above raises a key error because -1 is not a key in the dictionary b.

Dictionary implements the __setitem__ method so we can enter a key value pair to a dictionary using the assignment operator.

b[-1] = 'f'

To delete a key, we can use the function del.

del b[-1]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-a57f788767eb> in <module>
      1 del b[-1]
----> 2 b[-1]

KeyError: -1

To avoid key error, we can check if a key is in a dictionary efficiently (due to hashing) using the in operator.
The following is a different implementation of distribute.

def distribute(seq):
    dist = {}
    for i in seq: 
        dist[i] = (dist[i] if i in dist else 0) + 1/len(seq)
    return dist

plot_distribution('What is the distribution of different characters?')
../_images/Dictionaries and Sets_69_0.png

Exercise Unlike the previous implementation using one-line dictionary comprehension, the above alternative implementation uses multiple lines of code to build the dictionary incrementally starting from an empty dictionary.

def distribute(seq):
    return {k : seq.count(k)/len(seq) for k in set(seq)}

Explain whether the alternative is more efficient.

It is more efficient because

  • the alternative implementation traverses seq once with near constant time lookup of the key, but

  • the list comprehension can traverse seq a multiple times linear in len(seq), since every call to seq.count has to traverse seq once.

Shorter code needs not be more efficient.

Exercise dict also has a getter method get that conveniently returns a default value if the key does not exist. Rewrite the alternative implementation of distribute to use get instead of in.

def distribute(seq):
    dist = {}
    for i in seq: 
        ### BEGIN SOLUTION
        dist[i] = dist.get(i,0) + 1/len(seq)
        ### END SOLUTION
    return dist

plot_distribution('What is the distribution of different characters?')
../_images/Dictionaries and Sets_73_0.png

How to traverse in ascending order of the keys?

We can apply the function sorted to a set/dictionary to return a sorted list of the keys.

%%mytutor -h 600
a = set(reversed('abcde'))
b = dict(reversed([*enumerate('abcde')]))
sorted_elements = sorted(a)
sorted_keys = sorted(b)

Exercise Re-implement plot_distribution to plot the distribution in ascending order of the keys.

def plot_distribution(seq):
    dist = distribute(seq)
    # pyplot.stem(dist.keys(), dist.values(), use_line_collection=True)
    dist_list = sorted(dist.items(), key = lambda p: p[0])
    pyplot.stem([p[0] for p in dist_list], [p[1] for p in dist_list], use_line_collection=True)
    pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
plot_distribution('What is the distribution of different characters?')
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-27-aa27f8ab3ded> in <module>
     10     pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
---> 12 plot_distribution('What is the distribution of different characters?')

<ipython-input-27-aa27f8ab3ded> in plot_distribution(seq)
      4     ### BEGIN SOLUTION
      5     dist_list = sorted(dist.items(), key = lambda p: p[0])
----> 6     pyplot.stem([p[0] for p in dist_list], [p[1] for p in dist_list], use_line_collection=True)
      7     ### END SOLUTION
      8     pyplot.xlabel('Items')

NameError: name 'pyplot' is not defined

How to add an element to a set and remove an element from it?

Instead of subscription, set has the add/discard/remove methods for adding/removing elements.

%%mytutor -h 400
a = set('abc')
a.discard('a')  # no error
a.remove('b')   # KeyError

11.5. Other operators and methods

Unlike str/tuple/list, set and dict do not implement addition + and multiplication *:

any(hasattr(container, attr) for attr in ('__add__', '__mult__')
    for container in (dict, set, frozenset))

Exercise Use the unpacking operators * and ** to concatenate two sets/dictionaries below into a new set/dictionary.

set1 = set('abc')
set2 = set('cde')
concatenated_set = {*set1,*set2}
{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}
dict1 = dict(enumerate('abc'))
dict2 = dict(enumerate('def',start=2))
concatenated_dict = {**dict1,**dict2}
{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'd', 3: 'e', 4: 'f'}

set overloads many other operators:

%%mytutor -h 550
a, b = {1,2}, {2,3}

union = a | b
assert all(i in union for i in a) and all(i in union for i in b)

intersection = a & b
assert all(i in a and i in b for i in intersection)

assert intersection <= a <= union  # subset
assert union > b > intersection    # proper superset
assert len(a) + len(b) == len(intersection) + len(union) 

symmetric_difference = a ^ b
assert all((i in a or i in b) and not (i in a and i in b) 
           for i in symmetric_difference)
assert symmetric_difference == union - intersection
assert set.isdisjoint(intersection, symmetric_difference)
assert len(union) == len(intersection) + len(symmetric_difference)

The following uses & and - to compare the sets of public attributes for set and dict:

set_attributes = {attr for attr in dir(set) if attr[0] != '_'}
dict_attributes = {attr for attr in dir(dict) if attr[0] != '_'}
print('Common attributes:',', '.join(set_attributes & dict_attributes))
print('dict-specific attributes:',', '.join(dict_attributes - set_attributes))
print('set-specific attributes:',', '.join(set_attributes - dict_attributes))
Common attributes: update, pop, clear, copy
dict-specific attributes: items, get, popitem, fromkeys, values, keys, setdefault
set-specific attributes: union, symmetric_difference_update, discard, difference_update, issubset, intersection_update, add, difference, remove, isdisjoint, issuperset, intersection, symmetric_difference

For set, the intersection operation & can also be performed by

  • the class method intersection which returns the intersection of its arguments, and

  • the object method intersection_update which mutates a set object by intersecting the set with the arguments.

%%mytutor -h 300
a = {0,1,2}
b = {1,2,3}
c = set.intersection(a,b,{2,3,4})
  • All other set-specific methods have an associated operator except isdisjoint as shown below.

  • The object method for union is update not union_update.

class method

object method
















dict also has an update method that can update a dictionary using dictionary, iterables and keyword arguments:

%%mytutor -h 300
a = {}
b = a.copy()

Exercise For dict, there is also a method called setdefault. Use it to define a function group_by_type that

  • takes a sequence seq of objects and

  • returns a dictionary d such that d[repr(t)] returns the list of objects in seq of type t

If there is no objects of type t, raise a key error.

def group_by_type(seq):
    group = {}
    for i in seq:
        ### BEGIN SOLUTION
        ### END SOLUTION
    return group

               *[i/2 for i in range(3)],
               *[(i,) for i in range(3)],
               *[[i] for i in range(3)],
               *[{i} for i in range(3)],
               *[{i:i} for i in range(3)],
               (i for i in range(10)), 
{"<class 'int'>": [0, 1, 2],
 "<class 'str'>": ['a', 'b', 'c'],
 "<class 'float'>": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
 "<class 'tuple'>": [(0,), (1,), (2,)],
 "<class 'list'>": [[0], [1], [2]],
 "<class 'set'>": [{0}, {1}, {2}],
 "<class 'dict'>": [{0: 0}, {1: 1}, {2: 2}],
 "<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>": [<function print>,
  <function hash(obj, /)>],
 "<class 'type'>": [int, str, float, set, dict],
 "<class 'generator'>": [<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f28d75c86d0>],
 "<class 'enumerate'>": [<enumerate at 0x7f28d7547d70>],
 "<class 'range'>": [range(0, 3)],
 "<class 'zip'>": [<zip at 0x7f28d755a730>],
 "<class 'method_descriptor'>": [<method 'add' of 'set' objects>,
  <method 'copy' of 'dict' objects>]}