4. Conditional Execution

4.1. Motivation

Conditional execution means running different pieces of code based on different conditions. Why?

For instance, when trying to compute a/b, b may be 0 and division by 0 is invalid.

def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
    print('a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}'.format(a, b, a * b, a / b))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown
a:1, b:2, a*b:2, a/b:0.5
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-c6f0ad2b2b09> in <module>
      5 multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
----> 6 multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown

<ipython-input-2-c6f0ad2b2b09> in multiply_or_divide(a, b)
      1 def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
----> 2     print('a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}'.format(a, b, a * b, a / b))
      5 multiply_or_divide(1, 2)

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Can we skip only the division but not multiplication when b is 0?

def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
    fix = a / b if b else 'undefined'
    print('a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}'.format(a, b, a * b, fix))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown
a:1, b:2, a*b:2, a/b:0.5
a:1, b:0, a*b:0, a/b:undefined

The above solution involve:

  • a boolean expression fix that checks whether a condition holds, and

  • a conditional construct ... if ... else ... that specify which code block should be executed under what condition.

4.2. Boolean expressions

4.2.1. Comparison Operators

How to compare different values?

Like the equality and inequality relationships in mathematics,
Python also have binary comparison/relational operators:


True iff

x == y


x < y


x <= y

\(x\leq y\).

x > y


x >= y

\(x\geq y\).

x != y

\(x\neq y\).

Explore these operators using the widgets below:

# Comparisons
from ipywidgets import interact
comparison_operators = ['==','<','<=','>','>=','!=']
def comparison(operand1,operator,operand2):
    expression = f"{operand1} {operator} {operand2}"
    value = eval(expression)
    print(f"""{'Expression:':>11} {expression}\n{'Value:':>11} {value}\n{'Type:':>11} {type(value)}""")
  • These operators return either True or False, which are keywords of type boolean.

  • The expressions are called boolean expressions or predicates, named after George Boole.

  • N.b., the equality operator == consists of two equal signs, different from the assignment operator =.

What is the precedence of comparison operators?

All the comparison operators have the same precedence lower than that of + and -.

1 + 2 >= 3  # (1 + 2) >= 3

Python allows multiple comparison operations to be chained together:

2.0 == 2>1 #equivalent to (2.0 ==2) and (2>1)

What is the associativity?

Comparison operations are non-associative:

(2.0 == 2) > 1, 2.0 == (2 > 1)  # not the same as 2.0 == 2 > 1
(False, False)

Errorata in [Halterman17] due to a misunderstanding of non-associativity vs left-to-right evaluation order:

  • Halterman17, p.69:

    The relational operators are binary operators and are all ~left associative~ non-associative.

  • Halterman17, p.50, Table 3.2:

    • = should be non-associative instead of right-associative.

    • The corresponding table in Lecture2/Expressions and Arithmetic.ipynb should also be corrected accordingly.

Exercise Explain why the following boolean expressions have different values.

1 <= 2 < 3 != 4, (1 <= 2) < (3 != 4)
(True, False)

The second expression is not a chained comparison:

  • The expressions in the parentheses are evaluated to boolean values first to True, and so

  • the overall expression True < True is evaluated to False.

Exercise The comparison operators can be applied to different data types, as illustrated below.
Explain the meaning of the operators in each of the following expressions.

# Comparisons beyond numbers
    '10 == 10.', '"A" == "A"', '"A" == "A "', '"A" != "a"', 
    '"A" > "a"', '"aBcd" < "abd"', '"A" != 64', '"A" < 64'
def relational_expression(expression):
  1. Checks whether an integer is equal to a floating point number.

  2. Checks whether two characters are the same.

  3. Checks whether two strings are the same. Note the space character.

  4. Checks whether a character is larger than the order character according to their unicodes.

  5. Checks whether a string is lexicographically smaller than the other string.

  6. Checks whether a character is not equal to an integer.

  7. TypeError because there is no implementation that evaluates whether a string is smaller than an integer.

Is ! the same as the not operator?

Errata There is an error in Halterman17, p.69 due to confusion with C language:

!(x >= 10) and !(10 <= x) are ~equivalent~ invalid.

  • We can write 1 != 2 as not 1 == 2 but not !(1 == 2) because

  • ! is not a logical operator. It is used to call a system shell command in IPython.

!(1 == 2)
/bin/bash: 1: command not found
!ls  # a bash command that lists files in the current directory
'Conditional Execution.ipynb'		        Iteration.ipynb
'Conditional Execution.ipynb:Zone.Identifier'   Iteration.ipynb:Zone.Identifier

How to compare floating point numbers?

x = 10
y = (x**(1/3))**3
x == y

Why False? Shouldn’t \((x^{\frac13})^3=x\)?

  • Floating point numbers have finite precisions and so

  • we should instead check whether the numbers are close enough.

One method of comparing floating point numbers:

abs(x - y) <= 1e-9

abs is a function that returns the absolute value of its argument. Hence, the above translates to

\[|x - y| \leq \delta_{\text{abs}}\]

or equivalently

\[y-\delta_{\text{abs}} \leq x \leq y+\delta_{\text{abs}} \]

where \(\delta_{\text{abs}}\) is called the absolute tolerance.

Is an absolute tolerance of 1e-9 good enough?

What if we want to compare x = 1e10 instead of 10?

x = 1e10
y = (x**(1/3))**3
abs(x - y) <= 1e-9

Floating point numbers “float” at different scales.
A better way to use the isclose function from math module.

import math
math.isclose(x, y)

How does it work?

math.isclose(x,y) implements

\[ |x - y| \leq \max\{\delta_{\text{rel}} \max\{|x|,|y|\},\delta_{\text{abs}}\}\]

with the default

  • relative tolerance \(\delta_{\text{rel}}\) equal to 1e-9, and

  • absolute tolerance \(\delta_{\text{abs}}\) equal to 0.0.

Exercise Write the boolean expression implemented by isclose. You can use the function max(a,b) to find the maximum of a and b.

rel_tol, abs_tol = 1e-9, 0.0
x, y = 1e-100, 2e-100
abs(x-y) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(x), abs(y)), abs_tol)

4.2.2. Boolean Operations

Since chained comparisons are non-associative. It follows a different evaluation rule than arithmetical operators.

E.g., 1 <= 2 < 3 != 4 is evaluated as follows:

1 <= 2 and 2 < 3 and 3 != 4

The above is called a compound boolean expression, which is formed using the boolean/logical operator and.

Why use boolean operators?

What if we want to check whether a number is either \(< 0\) or \(\geq 100\)?
Can we achieve this only by chaining the comparison operators or applying the logical and?

# Check if a number is outside a range.
def check_out_of_range(x):
    x_ = float(x)
    is_out_of_range = x_<0 or x_>=100
    print('Out of range [0,100):', is_out_of_range)
  • and alone is not functionally complete, i.e., not enough to give all possible boolean functions.

  • In addition to and, we can also use or and not.



x and y

x or y

not x





















The above table is called a truth table. It enumerates all possible input and output combinations for each boolean operator.

How are chained logical operators evaluated?
What are the precedence and associativity for the logical operators?

  • All binary boolean operators are left associative.

  • Precedence: comparison operators > not > and > or

Exercise Explain what the values of the following two compound boolean expressions are:

  • Expression A: True or False and True

  • Expression B: True and False and True

  • Expression C: True or True and False

  • Expression A evaluates to True because and has higher precedence and so the expression has the same value as True or (False and True).

  • Expression B evaluates to False because and is left associative and so the expression has the same value as (True and False) and True.

  • Expression C evaluates to True because and has a higher precedence and so the expression has the same value as True or (True and False). Note that (True or True) and False evaluates to something False instead, so precedence matters.

Instead of following the precedence and associativity, however, a compound boolean expression uses a short-circuit evaluation.

To understand this, we will use the following function to evaluate a boolean expression verbosely.

def verbose(id,boolean):
    '''Identify evaluated boolean expressions.'''
    return boolean
verbose('A',verbose(1,True) or verbose(2,False) and verbose(3,True))  # True or (False and True)
1 evaluated: True
A evaluated: True

Why expression 2 and 3 are not evaluated?

Because True or … must be True (Why?) so Python does not look further. From the documentation:

The expression x or y first evaluates x; if x is true, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Note that:

  • Even though or has lower precedence than and, it is still evaluated first.

  • The evaluation order for logical operators is left-to-right.

verbose('B',verbose(4,True) and verbose(5,False) and verbose(6,True))  # (True and False) and True
4 evaluated: True
5 evaluated: False
B evaluated: False

Why expression 6 is not evaluated?

True and False and ... must be False so Python does not look further.

The expression x and y first evaluates x; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Indeed, logical operators can even be applied to non-boolean operands. From the documentation:

In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as false: False, None, numeric zero of all types, and empty strings and containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and frozensets). All other values are interpreted as true.

Exercise How does the following code work?

print('You have entered', input() or 'nothing')
  • The code replaces empty user input by the default string nothing because empty string is regarded as False in a boolean operation.

  • If user input is non-empty, it is regarded as True in the boolean expression and returned immediately as the value of the boolean operation.

Is empty string equal to False?

print('Is empty string equal False?',''==False)
Is empty string equal False? False
  • An empty string is regarded as False in a boolean operation but

  • a comparison operation is not a boolean operation, even though it forms a boolean expression.

4.3. Conditional Constructs

Consider writing a program that sorts values in ascending order.
A sorting algorithm refers to the procedure of sorting values in order.

4.3.1. If-Then Construct

How to sort two values?

Given two values are stored as x and y, we want to

  • print(x,y) if x <= y, and

  • print(y,x) if y < x.

Such a program flow is often represented by a flowchart like the following:

if(x<=y) {
  print(x, y)
if (y<x) {
  print(y, x)

Python provides the if statement to implement the above control flow specified by the diamonds.

# Sort two values using if statement
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)
    if y < x: print(y, x)

@interact(x='1', y='0')
def sort_two_values_app(x, y):
    sort_two_values(eval(x), eval(y))

We can visualize the execution as follows:

%%mytutor -h 350
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)
    if y < x: print(y, x)

Python use indentation to indicate code blocks or suite:

  • print(x, y) (Line 5) is indented to the right of if x <= y: (Line 4) to indicate it is the body of the if statement.

  • For convenience, if y < x: print(y, x) (Line 6) is a one-liner for an if statement that only has one line in its block.

  • Both if statements (Line 4-6) are indented to the right of def sort_two_values(x,y): (Line 3) to indicate that they are part of the body of the function sort_two_values.

How to indent?

  • The style guide recommends using 4 spaces for each indentation.

  • In IPython, you can simply type the tab key and IPython will likely enter the correct number of spaces for you.

What if you want to leave a block empty?

In programming, it is often useful to delay detailed implementations until we have written an overall skeleton.
To leave a block empty, Python uses the keyword pass.

# write a code skeleton
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    # print the smaller value first followed by the larger one

Without pass, the code will fail to run, preventing you from checking other parts of the code.

# You can add more details to the skeleton step-by-step
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        # print x before y
    if y < x: pass  # print y before x


4.3.2. If-Then-Else Construct

The sorting algorithm is not efficient enough. Why not?
Hint: (x <= y) and not (y < x) is a tautology, i.e., always true.

To improve the efficient, we should implement the following program flow.

if(x<=y) {
  print(x, y)
else {
  print(y, x)

This can be down by the else clause of the if statement.

%%mytutor -h 350
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)

We can also use a conditional expression to shorten the code.

def sort_two_values(x, y):
    print(('{0} {1}' if x <= y else '{1} {0}').format(x, y))

@interact(x='1', y='0')
def sort_two_values_app(x, y):
    sort_two_values(eval(x), eval(y))

Exercise Explain why the followings have syntax errors.

1 if True
  File "<ipython-input-30-1cbab0db8442>", line 1
    1 if True
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
x = 1 if True else x = 0 
  File "<ipython-input-31-f68814adf81f>", line 1
    x = 1 if True else x = 0
SyntaxError: can't assign to conditional expression

A conditional expression must be an expression:

  1. It must give a value under all cases. To enforce that, else keyword must be provided.

  2. An assignment statement does not return any value and therefore cannot be used for the conditional expression.
    x = 1 if True else 0 is valid because x = is not part of the conditional expression.

4.3.3. Nested Conditionals

Consider sorting three values instead of two. A feasible algorithm is as follows:

if(x<=y<=z) {
  print(x, y, z)
} else
if (x<=z<=y) {
  print(x, z, y)
} else
if (y<=x<=z) {
  print(y, x, z)
} else
if (y<=z<=x) {
  print(y, z, x)
} else
if (z<=x<=y) {
  print(z, x, y)
} else {
  print(z, y, x)

We can implement the flow using nested conditional constructs:

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    if x <= y <= z:
        print(x, y, z)
        if x <= z <= y:
            print(x, z, y)
            if y <= x <= z:
                print(y, x, z)
                if y <= z <= x:
                    print(y, z, x)
                    if z <= x <= y:
                        print(z, x, y)
                        print(z, y, x)

def test_sort_three_values():

0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2

Imagine what would happen if we have to sort many values.
To avoid an excessively long line due to the indentation, Python provides the elif keyword that combines else and if.

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    if x <= y <= z:
        print(x, y, z)
    elif x <= z <= y:
        print(x, z, y)
    elif y <= x <= z:
        print(y, x, z)
    elif y <= z <= x:
        print(y, z, x)
    elif z <= x <= y:
        print(z, x, y)
        print(z, y, x)

0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2

Exercise The above sorting algorithm is inefficient because some conditions may be checked more than once.
Improve the program to eliminate duplicate checks.
Hint: Do not use chained comparison operators or compound boolean expressions.

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    if x <= y:
        if y <= z:
            print(x, y, z)
        elif x <= z:
            print(x, z, y)
            print(z, x, y)
    elif z <= y:
        print(z, y, x)
    elif z <= x:
        print(y, z, x)
        print(y, x, z)
10 14 17