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An important engineering application of computer science is numerical analysis. This lecture introduces estimation using Monte Carlo simulations and basic linear algebra for solving multiple linear equations. Readers will learn to use NumPy arrays instead of lists to implement numerical analysis efficiently, incorporating the concepts of universal functions and broadcasting.

from __init__ import install_dependencies

await install_dependencies()

Monte Carlo simulation

What is Monte Carlo simulation?

It is a statistical method named after a Casino in Monaco:

I suggested an obvious name for the statistical method — a suggestion not unrelated to the fact that Stan had an uncle who would borrow money from relatives because he “just had to go to Monte Carlo.”

(N. Metropolis, “The Beginning of the Monte Carlo Method.”)

It would be nice to simulate the casino so Ulam’s uncle did not need to borrow money to play in the casino.


As a simple illustration, we will compute the value of π:


Instead of using pi from math, can we compute π directly? Consider a seemingly unrelated math problem:

Random points in square.

Uniformly random points in a square. Green (Red) points are inside (outside) the inscribed circle. (source code)

By relating the chance of a random event to the quantity we want to compute, we can compute the quantity by simulating the random event. This method is called the Monte Carlo simulation:

def approximate_pi(n):
    return (
        * len(
            [True for i in range(n) if random.random() ** 2 + random.random() ** 2 < 1]
        / n
%%timeit -n 1 -r 1
print(f"Approximate: {approximate_pi(10**7)}\nGround truth: {math.pi}")

How accurate is the approximation?

The following uses a powerful library NumPy to return a 95%95\%-confidence interval.

def np_approximate_pi(n):
    in_circle = (np.random.random((n, 2)) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) < 1
    mean = 4 * in_circle.mean()
    std = 4 * in_circle.std() / n ** 0.5
    return np.array([mean - 2 * std, mean + 2 * std])
%%timeit -n 1 -r 1
interval = np_approximate_pi(10**7)
    f"""95%-confidence interval: {interval}
Estimate: {interval.mean():.4f} ± {(interval[1]-interval[0])/2:.4f}
Ground truth: {math.pi}"""

We can increase nn further to obtain a more accurate solution:

interval = np_approximate_pi(10**8)
    f"""95%-confidence interval: {interval}
Estimate: {interval.mean():.4f} ± {(interval[1]-interval[0])/2:.4f}
Ground truth: {math.pi}"""
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Write a python program `print_pi(n)` to print pi to `n` decimal places.
Avoid the precision limit of float.
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Provide an example of an application where Monte Carlo simulation is the only feasible computational method and no superior alternatives are known.
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain how the accuracy of the estimates by Monte Carlo simulation can be improved by importance sampling?

Linear Algebra

How to solve a linear equation?

Given the following linear equation in variable xx with real-valued coefficient aa and bb,

ax=b,a x = b,

what is the value of xx that satisfies the equation?

def solve_linear_equation(a, b):
    return b / a if a != 0 else None

@widgets.interact(a=(0, 5, 1), b=(0, 5, 1))
def linear_equation_solver(a=2, b=3):
        f"""linear equation: {a}x = {b}
       solution: x = {solve_linear_equation(a,b)}"""

How to solve multiple linear equations?

In the general case, we have a system of mm linear equations and nn variables:

a00x0+a01x1++a0(n1)xn1=b0a10x0+a11x1++a1(n1)xn1=b1a(m1)0x0+a(m1)1x1++a(m1)(n1)xn1=bm1\begin{aligned} a_{00} x_0 + a_{01} x_1 + \dots + a_{0(n-1)} x_{n-1} &= b_0\\ a_{10} x_0 + a_{11} x_1 + \dots + a_{1(n-1)} x_{n-1} &= b_1\\ & \vdots\\ a_{(m-1)0} x_0 + a_{(m-1)1} x_1 + \dots + a_{(m-1)(n-1)} x_{n-1} &= b_{m-1}\\ \end{aligned}


  • xjx_j for j{0,,n1}j\in \{0,\dots,n-1\} are the variables, and
  • aija_{ij} and bjb_j for i{0,,m1}i\in \{0,\dots,m-1\} and j{0,,n1}j\in \{0,\dots,n-1\} are the coefficients.

A fundamental problem in linear algebra is to compute the unique solution to the system if it exists.

We will consider the simpler 2-by-2 system with 2 variables and 2 equations:

a00x0+a01x1=b0a10x0+a11x1=b1.\begin{aligned} a_{00} x_0 + a_{01} x_1 &= b_0\\ a_{10} x_0 + a_{11} x_1 &= b_1. \end{aligned}

To get an idea of the solution, suppose

a00=a11=1,a01=a10=0.a_{00}=a_{11}=1, a_{01} = a_{10} = 0.

The system of equations becomes

x0+x1=b0x0+x1=b1,\begin{aligned} x_0 \hphantom{+ x_1} &= b_0\\ \hphantom{x_0 +} x_1 &= b_1, \end{aligned}

which gives the solution directly.

What about a00=a11=2a_{00}=a_{11}=2 instead?

2x0+x1=b02x0+2x1=b1,\begin{aligned} 2x_0 \hphantom{+ x_1} &= b_0\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= b_1, \end{aligned}

To obtain the solution, we divide both equations by 2:

x0+x1=b02x0+x1=b12.\begin{aligned} x_0 \hphantom{+ x_1} &= \frac{b_0}2\\ \hphantom{x_0 +} x_1 &= \frac{b_1}2. \end{aligned}

What if a01=2a_{01}=2 instead?

2x0+2x1=b02x0+2x1=b1\begin{aligned} 2x_0 + 2x_1 &= b_0\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= b_1\\ \end{aligned}

The second equation gives the solution of x1x_1, and we can use the solution in the first equation to solve for x0x_0. More precisely:

  • Subtract the second equation from the first one:
2x0+2x1=b0b12x0+2x1=b1\begin{aligned} 2x_0 \hphantom{+2x_1} &= b_0 - b_1\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= b_1\\ \end{aligned}
  • Divide both equations by 2:
x0+x1=b0b12x0+x1=b12\begin{aligned} x_0 \hphantom{+ x_1} &= \frac{b_0 - b_1}2\\ \hphantom{x_0 +} x_1 &= \frac{b_1}2\\ \end{aligned}

The above operations are called row operations in linear algebra: Each row is an equation.

How to write a program to solve a general 2-by-2 system? We will use the NumPy library.

Creating NumPy arrays

How to store the coefficients?

In linear algebra, a system of equations such as

a00x0+a01x1=b0a10x0+a11x1=b1\begin{aligned} a_{00} x_0 + a_{01} x_1 &= b_0\\ a_{10} x_0 + a_{11} x_1 &= b_1 \end{aligned}

is written concisely in matrix form as Ax=b \M{A} \M{x} = \M{b} :

[a00a01a10a11]A[x0x1]x=[b0b1]b,\overbrace{\begin{bmatrix} a_{00} & a_{01}\\ a_{10} & a_{11} \end{bmatrix}}^{\M{A}} \overbrace{ \begin{bmatrix} x_0\\ x_1 \end{bmatrix}} ^{\M{x}} = \overbrace{\begin{bmatrix} b_0\\ b_1 \end{bmatrix}}^{\M{b}},

where Ax \M{A} \M{x} is the matrix multiplication

Ax=[a00x0+a01x1a10x0+a11x1].\M{A} \M{x} = \begin{bmatrix} a_{00} x_0 + a_{01} x_1\\ a_{10} x_0 + a_{11} x_1 \end{bmatrix}.
Matrix form

Matrix form (source code)

We say that A\M{A} is a matrix and its dimension/shape is 2-by-2:

  • The first dimension/axis has size 2. We also say that the matrix has 2 rows.
  • The second dimension/axis has size 2. We also say that the matrix has 2 columns. x\M{x} and b\M{b} are called column vectors, which are matrices with one column.

Consider the example

2x0+2x1=12x0+2x1=1,\begin{aligned} 2x_0 + 2x_1 &= 1\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= 1, \end{aligned}

or in matrix form with

A=[a00a01a10a11]=[2202]b=[b0b1]=[11]\begin{aligned} \M{A}&=\begin{bmatrix} a_{00} & a_{01} \\ a_{10} & a_{11} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 2 \\ 0 & 2 \end{bmatrix}\\ \M{b}&=\begin{bmatrix} b_0\\ b_1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}\end{aligned}

Instead of using list to store the matrix, we will use a NumPy array.

A = np.array([[2.0, 2], [0, 2]])
b = np.array([1.0, 1])
A, b

Compared to list, NumPy array is often more efficient and has more attributes.

array_attributes = set(attr for attr in dir(np.array([])) if attr[0] != "_")
list_attributes = set(attr for attr in dir(list) if attr[0] != "_")
print("\nCommon attributes:\n", *(array_attributes & list_attributes))
print("\nArray-specific attributes:\n", *(array_attributes - list_attributes))
print("\nList-specific attributes:\n", *(list_attributes - array_attributes))

The following attributes give the dimension/shape, number of dimensions, size, and data type.

for array in A, b:
    shape: {array.shape}
    ndim: {array.ndim}
    size: {array.size}
    dtype: {array.dtype}

Note that the function len only returns the size of the first dimension:

assert A.shape[0] == len(A)

Unlike list, every NumPy array has a data type. For efficient computation/storage, numpy implements different data types with different storage sizes:

np.byte, np.short, np.intc
np.ubyte, np.ushort, np.uintc, np.uint
np.half, np.single, np.double, np.longfloat
np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble

E.g., int64 is the 64-bit integer. Unlike int, int64 has a range.

%%optlite -h 400
import numpy as np
min_int64 = np.int64(-2**63)
max_int64 = np.int64(2**63-1)
np.int64(2 ** 63)  # overflow error

We can use the astype method to convert the data type:

A_int64 = A.astype(int)  # converts to int64 by default
A_float32 = A.astype(np.float32)  # converts to float32
for array in A_int64, A_float32:
    print(array, array.dtype)

We must be careful about assigning items of different types to an array.

A_int64[0, 0] = 1
A_int64[0, 0] = 0.5
print(A_int64)  # intended assignment fails
np.array([int(1), float(1)])  # will be all floating point numbers
heterogeneous_np_array = np.array([*range(3), *"abc"], dtype=object)

Be careful when creating arrays of tuple/list:

%%optlite -h 350
import numpy as np
a1 = np.array([(1, 2), [3, 4, 5]], dtype=object)
print(a1.shape, a1.size)
a2 = np.array([(1, 2), [3, 4]], dtype=object)
print(a2.shape, a2.size)

NumPy provides many functions to create an array:

%%optlite -h 400 -l
import numpy as np
a = [np.zeros(0)]
a.append(np.zeros(1, dtype=int))
a.append(np.zeros((2, 3, 4)))
%%optlite -h 400 -l
import numpy as np
a = [np.empty(2)]
a.append(np.empty((2, 3, 4), 
%%optlite -h 400 -l
import numpy as np
a = [np.ones(2)]
a.append(np.ones((2, 3, 4),
%%optlite -l -h 400
import numpy as np
a = [np.eye(2)]
a.append(np.eye(3, dtype=int))
%%optlite -l -h 400
import numpy as np
a = [np.diag(range(1))]
a.append(np.diag(np.ones(3), k=1))
# 1 above main diagonal

NumPy also provides functions to build an array using rules.

%%optlite -l -h 400
import numpy as np
a = [np.arange(5)]
# like range but allow non-integer parameters
a.append(np.arange(2.5, 5, 0.5))
%%optlite -l -h 400
import numpy as np
# can specify the number of points instead of the step size
a = [np.linspace(0, 4, 5)]
a.append(np.linspace(2.5, 4.5, 5))
%%optlite -l -h 400
import numpy as np
a = np.fromfunction(lambda i, j: i * j, (3, 4))

We can also reshape an array using the reshape method/function:

%%optlite -l -h 500
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(2 * 3 * 4)
c1 = a.reshape(2, 3, 4)
# automatically calculate the size specified as `-1`
c2 = a.reshape(2, 3, -1)
%%optlite -l -h 500
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(2 * 3 * 4)
# default C ordering
c = a.reshape((2, 3, -1), order="C")
# F ordering
f = a.reshape((2, 3, -1), order="F")

The C ordering and F ordering can be implemented using list comprehension:

%%optlite -l -h 500
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(2 * 3 * 4)
# last axis index changes fastest
c = np.array(
       for k in range(4)]
      for j in range(3)]
     for i in range(2)])
# first axis index changes fastest
f = np.array(
       for k in range(4)]
      for j in range(3)]
     for i in range(2)])

ravel is a particular case of reshaping an array to one dimension.
A similar function flatten returns a copy of the array but ravel and reshape returns a dynamic view whenever possible.

array = np.arange(2 * 3 * 4).reshape(2, 3, 4)
array, array.ravel(), array.reshape(-1), array.ravel(order="F")
def print_array_entries_line_by_line(array):
    for i in array.flatten():

print_array_entries_line_by_line(np.arange(2 * 3 * 4).reshape(2, 3, 4))

Operating on arrays

How to verify the solution of a system of linear equations?

Before solving the system of linear equations, let us try to verify a solution to the equations:

2x0+2x1=12x0+2x1=1\begin{aligned} 2x_0 + 2x_1 &= 1\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= 1 \end{aligned}

NumPy provides the function matmul and the operator @ for matrix multiplication.

print(np.matmul(A, np.array([0, 0])) == b)
print(A @ np.array([0, 0.5]) == b)

Note that the comparison on NumPy arrays returns a boolean array instead of a boolean value, unlike the comparison operations on lists.

To check whether all items are true, we use the all method.

print((np.matmul(A, np.array([0, 0])) == b).all())
print((A @ np.array([0, 0.5]) == b).all())

How to concatenate arrays?

We will operate on an augmented matrix of the coefficients:

C=[Ab]=[a00a01b0a10a11b1]\begin{aligned} \M{C} &= \begin{bmatrix} \M{A} & \M{b} \end{bmatrix}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} a_{00} & a_{01} & b_0 \\ a_{10} & a_{11} & b_1 \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}

NumPy provides functions to create block matrices:

C = np.block([A, b.reshape(-1, 1)])  # reshape to ensure same ndim

To stack an array along different axes:

array = np.arange(1 * 2 * 3).reshape(1, 2, 3)
for concat_array in [
    np.hstack((array, array)),  # stack along the second axis with index 0
    np.vstack((array, array)),  # stack along the first axis with index 1
    np.concatenate((array, array), axis=-1),  # last axis
    np.stack((array, array), axis=0),
]:  # new axis
    print(concat_array, "\nshape:", concat_array.shape)

How to perform arithmetic operations on a NumPy array?

To divide all the coefficients by 2, we can write:

D = C / 2

Note that the above does not work for list.

%%optlite -l -h 500
[[2, 2, 1], [0, 2, 1]] / 2

Arithmetic operations on NumPy arrays apply if the arrays have compatible dimensions. Two dimensions are compatible when

  • they are equal, except for
  • components equal to 1.

NumPy uses broadcasting rules to stretch the axis of size 1 up to match the corresponding axis in other arrays. C / 2 is an example where the second operand 2 is broadcasted to a 2-by-2 matrix before the elementwise division. Another example is as follows.

three_by_one = np.arange(3).reshape(3, 1)
one_by_four = np.arange(4).reshape(1, 4)
{three_by_one * one_by_four}
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain the broadcasting rule intuitively in one paragraph using an analogy.

Next, to subtract the second row of the coefficients from the first row:

D[0, :] = D[0, :] - D[1, :]

Notice the use of commas to index different dimensions instead of using multiple brackets:

assert (D[0][:] == D[0, :]).all()

Using this indexing technique, it is easy to extract the last column as the solution to the system of linear equations:

x = D[:, -1]

This gives the desired solution x0=0x_0=0 and x1=0.5x_1=0.5 for

2x0+2x1=12x0+2x1=1\begin{aligned} 2x_0 + 2x_1 &= 1\\ \hphantom{2x_0 +} 2x_1 &= 1\\ \end{aligned}

NumPy provides many convenient ways to index an array.

B = np.arange(2 * 3).reshape(2, 3)
B, B[(0, 1), (2, 0)]  # selecting the corners using integer array
B = np.arange(2 * 3 * 4).reshape(2, 3, 4)
B, B[0], B[0, (1, 2)], B[0, (1, 2), (2, 3)], B[
    :, (1, 2), (2, 3)
]  # pay attention to the last two cases
assert (B[..., -1] == B[:, :, -1]).all()
B[..., -1]  # ... expands to selecting all elements of all previous dimensions
B[B > 5]  # indexing using boolean array

Finally, the following function solves 2 linear equations with 2 variables.

def solve_2_by_2_system(A, b):
    """Returns the unique solution of the linear system, if exists,
    else returns None."""
    C = np.hstack((A, b.reshape(-1, 1)))
    if C[0, 0] == 0:
        C = C[(1, 0), :]
    if C[0, 0] == 0:
        return None
    C[0, :] = C[0, :] / C[0, 0]
    C[1, :] = C[1, :] - C[0, :] * C[1, 0]
    if C[1, 1] == 0:
        return None
    C[1, :] = C[1, :] / C[1, 1]
    C[0, :] = C[0, :] - C[1, :] * C[0, 1]
    return C[:, -1]
# tests
for A in (
    np.ones((2, 2)),
    np.stack((np.ones(2), np.zeros(2))),
    np.stack((np.ones(2), np.zeros(2)), axis=1),

Universal functions

NumPy implements universal/vectorized functions/operators that take arrays as arguments and perform operations with appropriate broadcasting rules. The following is an example that uses the universal function np.sin:

@widgets.interact(a=(0, 5, 1), b=(-1, 1, 0.1))
def plot_sin(a=1, b=0):
    plt.figure(1, clear=True)
    plt.xlabel(r"$x$ (radian)")
    x = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi)
    plt.plot(x, np.sin(a * x + b * math.pi))  # np.sin, *, + are universal functions

In addition to making the code shorter, universal functions are both efficient and flexible. Recall the Monte Carlo simulation to approximate π:

Solution to Exercise 5
  • random.random generates a numpy array for nn points in the unit square randomly.
  • sum sums up the element along the last axis to give the squared distance.
  • < returns the boolean array indicating whether each point is in the first quadrant of the inscribed circle.
  • mean and std returns the mean and standard deviation of the boolean array with True and False interpreted as 1 and 0, respectively.
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph why universal functions in numpy are far more efficient
than applying a function to each element of a list individually.
  1. Metropolis, N., & Ulam, S. (1949). The Monte Carlo Method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 44(247), 335–341. 10.1080/01621459.1949.10483310