from __init__ import install_dependencies
await install_dependencies()
import random
from ipywidgets import interact
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib widget
%reload_ext divewidgets
The Monty-Hall Game¶
The Monty Hall Problem
Is it better to change the initial pick? What is the chance of winning if we change?
There are two doors to choose from, and only one of the doors has treasure behind it.
Let’s use the following program to play the game a couple of times.
import random
def play_monty_hall(num_of_doors=3):
"""Main function to run the Monty Hall game."""
doors = {str(i) for i in range(num_of_doors)}
door_with_treasure = random.sample(sorted(doors), 1)[0]
# Input the initial pick of the door.
while True:
initial_pick = input(f'Pick a door from {", ".join(sorted(doors))}: ')
if initial_pick in doors:
# Open all but one other door. The opened door must have nothing.
doors_to_open = doors - {initial_pick, door_with_treasure}
other_door = (
if initial_pick != door_with_treasure
else doors_to_open.pop()
print("Door(s) with nothing behind:", *doors_to_open)
# Allow the player to change the initial pick to the other (unopened) door.
change_pick = (
input(f"Would you like to change your choice to {other_door}? [y/N] ").lower()
== "y"
# Check and record winning.
if not change_pick:
mh_stats["# no change"] += 1
if door_with_treasure == initial_pick:
mh_stats["# win without changing"] += 1
return print("You won!")
mh_stats["# change"] += 1
if door_with_treasure == other_door:
mh_stats["# win by changing"] += 1
return print("You won!")
print(f"You lost. The door with treasure is {door_with_treasure}.")
mh_stats = dict.fromkeys(
("# win by changing", "# win without changing", "# change", "# no change"), 0
def monty_hall_statistics():
"""Print the statistics of the Monty Hall games."""
print("-" * 30, "Statistics", "-" * 30)
if mh_stats["# change"]:
f"% win by changing: \
{mh_stats['# win by changing'] / mh_stats['# change']:.0%}"
if mh_stats["# no change"]:
f"% win without changing: \
{mh_stats['# win without changing']/mh_stats['# no change']:.0%}"
To get a good estimate of the chance of winning, we need to play the game many times.
We can write a Monty-Carlo simulation instead.
# Do not change any variables defined here, or some tests may fail.
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(0) # for reproducible result
num_of_games = int(10e7)
door_with_treasure = np.random.randint(1, 4, num_of_games, dtype=np.uint8)
initial_pick = np.random.randint(1, 4, num_of_games, dtype=np.uint8)
print(f"{'Door with treasure:':>19}", *door_with_treasure[:10], "...")
print(f"{'Initial pick:':>19}", *initial_pick[:10], "...")
stores as 8-bit unsigned integersuint8
the door numbers randomly chosen from as the doors with treasure behind for a numbernum_of_games
of Monty-Hall games.initial_pick
stores the initial choices for the different games.
If players do not change their initial pick, the chance of winning can be estimated as follows:
def estimate_chance_of_winning_without_change(door_with_treasure, initial_pick):
"""Estimate the chance of winning the Monty Hall game without changing
the initial pick using the Monte Carlo simulation of door_with_treasure
and initial_pick."""
count_of_win = 0
for x, y in zip(door_with_treasure, initial_pick):
if x == y:
count_of_win += 1
return count_of_win / n
n = num_of_games // 100
estimate_chance_of_winning_without_change(door_with_treasure[:n], initial_pick[:n])
However, the above code is inefficient and takes a long time to run. You may try running it on the entire sequences of door_with_treasure
and initial_pick
but DO NOT put the code in your notebook, as the server refuses to auto-grade notebooks that take too much time or memory to run.
A simpler and also more efficient solution with well over 100 times speed up is as follows:
def estimate_chance_of_winning_without_change(door_with_treasure, initial_pick):
"""Estimate the chance of winning the Monty Hall game without changing
the initial pick using the Monte Carlo simulation of door_with_treasure
and initial_pick."""
return (door_with_treasure == initial_pick).mean()
estimate_chance_of_winning_without_change(door_with_treasure, initial_pick)
The code uses the method mean
of ndarray
that computes the mean of the numpy
In computing the mean, True
and False
are regarded as 1
and 0
, respectively, as illustrated below.
for i in True, False:
for j in True, False:
print(f"{i} + {j} == {i + j}")
def estimate_chance_of_winning_by_change(door_with_treasure, initial_pick):
"""Estimate the chance of winning the Monty Hall game by changing
the initial pick using the Monte Carlo simulation of door_with_treasure
and initial_pick."""
return (door_with_treasure != initial_pick).mean()
# tests
assert np.isclose(
estimate_chance_of_winning_by_change(door_with_treasure[:10], initial_pick[:10]),
Solving non-linear equations¶
Suppose we want to solve:
for some possibly non-linear real-valued function in one real-valued variable . A quadratic equation with an term is an example. The following is another example.
f = lambda x: x * (x - 1) * (x - 2)
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 2.5)
plt.figure(1, clear=True)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
plt.axhline(color="gray", linestyle=":")
plt.title(r"Plot of $f(x)\coloneq x(x-1)(x-2)$")
While it is clear that the above function has three roots, namely, , can we write a program to compute a root of any given continuous function ?
Bisection Method
The following function bisection
implements the bisection method as a recursion.
def bisection(f, a, b, *, n=10):
Find the root of the function f(x) within the interval [a, b] using the bisection method.
f: function
The function whose root is to be found.
a, b: float
The endpoints of the initial interval [a, b].
n: int, optional
The maximum number of bisections to perform. Defaults to 10.
The interval [xstart, xstop] containing the root of f(x), or
an empty list if f(a) and f(b) have the same sign.
if f(a) * f(b) > 0:
return [] # because f(x) may not have a root between x=a and x=b
elif n <= 0: # base case when recursion cannot go any deeper
return [a, b] if a <= b else [b, a]
c = (a + b) / 2 # bisect the interval between a and b
return bisection(f, a, c, n=n - 1) or bisection(f, c, b, n=n - 1) # recursion
f = lambda x: x * (x - 1) * (x - 2)
bisection(f, -0.5, 0.5)
In the following widget, try changing the values of and as follows and change to see the change of the interval step-by-step:
# bisection solver
def bisection_solver(f, a, b, n=10, *args, **kwargs):
f = lambda x: x * (x - 1) * (x - 2)
x = np.linspace(a, b)
fig = plt.figure(*args, **kwargs)
plt.plot(x, f(x), "b-")
plt.title(r"Bisection on $f(x)$")
stem_plot = interval_plot = ()
s = (b-a)/100
@interact(a=(a, b, s), b=(a, b, s), n=(0, n, 1))
def plot(a=a, b=b, n=0):
nonlocal interval_plot, stem_plot
stem_plot and stem_plot.remove()
stem_plot = plt.stem([a,b],[f(a),f(b)], linefmt="g:",basefmt="g:")
interval_plot and interval_plot[0].remove() # clear only the previously plotted interval, if any
interval_plot = (interval := bisection(f, a, b, n=n)) and plt.plot(interval, [0, 0], "r|-") or ()
print("Interval: ", interval)
bisection_solver(f, -0.5, 2.5, num=1, clear=True)
def bisection(f, a, b, *, tol=1e-9, n=None):
Find the root of the function f(x) within the interval [a, b] using the bisection method.
f: function
The function whose root is to be found.
a, b: float
The endpoints of the interval [a, b].
tol: float, optional
The absolute tolerance level for the root approximation. Defaults to 1e-9.
n: int, optional
The maximum number of bisection to perform. Defaults to None (unlimited).
The interval [xstart, xstop] containing the root of f(x), or
an empty list if f(a) and f(b) have the same sign.
if f(a) * f(b) > 0:
return []
elif abs(b - a) <= tol or n is not None and n<=0:
return [a, b] if a <= b else [b, a]
c = (a + b) / 2
return bisection(f, c, b, tol=tol, n=n and n-1) or bisection(f, a, c, tol=tol, n=n and n-1)
# tests
import numpy as np
f = lambda x: x * (x - 1) * (x - 2)
assert np.isclose(bisection(f, -0.5, 0.5), [-9.313225746154785e-10, 0.0]).all()
_ = bisection(f, 1.5, 0.5, tol=1e-2)
assert np.isclose(_, [1.0, 1.0078125]).all() or np.isclose(_, [0.9921875, 1.0]).all()
assert np.isclose(
bisection(f, -0.1, 2.5, tol=1e-3), [1.9998046875000002, 2.0004394531250003]).all()
assert np.isclose(bisection(f, -0.1, 2.5, tol=1e-3, n=2), [1.85, 2.5]).all()