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Just as closures encapsulate the local environment in functional programming, object-oriented programming (OOP) encapsulates properties and methods within objects, mirroring entities in the physical world. The concepts of inheritance and polymorphism are introduced by demonstrating how to use the methods of file and string objects, and how operators can be overloaded by single dispatch on the types of the operands.

from __init__ import install_dependencies

await install_dependencies()


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which has its associated properties and methods of interacting with the world.


Why OOP? Let’s write the Hello-World program with OOP:

%%manim -ql --progress_bar=none --disable_caching --flush_cache -v ERROR HelloWorld
class HelloWorld(Scene):
    def construct(self):"Hello, World!")))

The above code creates a video by simply defining

  • a Scene called HelloWorld
  • constructed by playing an animation that
  • Writes the Text message 'Hello, World!'.

Complicated animations can be created without too many lines of code because

  • OOP makes programming expressive by
  • encapsulating different variables/functions by the objects they apply to and
  • abstracting away the implementation details.
%%manim -ql --progress_bar=none --disable_caching --flush_cache -v ERROR InscribedCircle
class InscribedCircle(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ### BEGIN SOLUTION
        ### END SOLUTION

Classes and Objects

What is an object?

object is a class/type like int, float, str, and bool.

isinstance(object, type)

Recall that a function is also a first-class object, or more precisely, an instance of type object:

isinstance(print, object) and isinstance(range, object)

Almost everything in Python is an object:

    isinstance(1, object)
    and isinstance(1.0, object)
    and isinstance("1", object)
    and isinstance(True, object)
    and isinstance(None, object)
    and isinstance(__builtin__, object)
    and isinstance(object, object)
isinstance(type, object)
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph the chicken-and-egg relationship between type and object.
Shouldn't we define the class first before its instance?

An object can be an instance of more than one types. For instance, True is an instance of bool, int, and object:

isinstance(True, bool) and isinstance(True, int) and isinstance(True, object)

As proposed in PEP 285,[1]

boolsubclassintsubclassobject\begin{CD} \text{bool} @>{\text{subclass}}>> \text{int} @>{\text{subclass}}>> \text{object} \end{CD}
  • bool is a subclass of int, and
  • int is a base class of bool.
issubclass(bool, int) and issubclass(int, object)

In paricular, True and False have the integer values 1 and 0 respectively.[2]

True == 1, False == 0
issubclass(object, type), issubclass(type, object)
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in one paragraph why making `type` a subclass of `object` in python 
can lead to conflicts in inheritance.


To check if an object has a particular attribute:

hasattr(complex("1+j"), "imag"), hasattr("1+j", "imag")

To list all attributes of an object:


Different objects of a class share the class attributes:[3]

dir(complex("1+j")) == dir(complex(1)) == dir(complex)
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph or two how an instance may have a different set of 
attributes than its class in python.

Different objects of the same class can still behave differently because their attribute values can be different.

complex("1+j").imag, complex(1).imag, complex.imag

An attribute can also be a function, which is called a method or member function.

complex.conjugate(complex(1, 2)), type(complex.conjugate)

A method can be accessed by objects of the class:

complex(1, 2).conjugate(), type(complex(1, 2).conjugate)
callable(complex(1, 2).conjugate), complex(1, 2).conjugate.__self__

A subclass also inherits the attributes of its base classes:

dir(bool) == dir(int)

For instance, bool inherit the methods for arithmetics from the base class int:

True + 1, False * float('inf')

A subclass do not necessarily have the same set of attributes as that defined by its base class. A subclass can inherit attributes from multiple base classes and define its own attributes. Different implementations of the same method are resolved using the method resolution order (mro):

%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph or two how a subclass inherits from multiple base classes
in python using the C3 linearization.

Object Aliasing

Now is the time to differentiate values from objects.

When are two objects identical?

The keyword is checks whether two objects are the same object:

%%optlite -l -h 400
def i(i):
    return i

i(i) is i

Is is the same as ==?

is is slightly faster because:

  • is simply checks whether two objects occupy the same memory, but
  • == calls the method (__eq__) of the operands to check the equality in value.

To see this, we can use the function id which returns an id number for an object based on its memory location.

%%optlite -h 400
x = y = complex(1, 0)
z = complex(1, 0)
print(x == y == z == 1.0)
x_id = id(x)
y_id = id(y)
z_id = id(z)
print(x is y)  # id(x) == id(y)
print(x is not z)  # id(x) != id(z)

As the box-pointer diagram shows:

  • x is y because the assignment x = y binds y to the same memory location x points to.
    y is said to be an alias (another name) of x.
  • x is not z because they point to objects at different memory locations,
    even though the objects have the same type and value.

Can we use is instead of == to compare integers/strings?

%%optlite -h 350
print(10**10 is 10**10)
print(10**100 is 10**100)
%%optlite -h 350
x = y = "abc"
print(x is y)
print(y is "abc")
print(x + y is x + "abc")

Indeed, we normally gets a SyntaxWarning when using is with a literal.

10 is 10, "abc" is "abc"

Using Methods

Like a Swiss army knife, an object is a versatile tool that can perform a variety of tasks. By invoking its methods, you can manipulate the object’s data, perform computations, or interact with other objects.

File Objects

How to read a text file?

Consider reading a csv (comma separated value) file:

!more 'contact.csv'

To read the file by a Python program:

f = open("contact.csv")  # create a file object for reading
print(  # return the entire content
f.close()  # close the file
  1. open is a function that creates a file object and assigns it to f.
  2. Associated with the file object:
    • read returns the entire content of the file as a string.
    • close flushes and closes the file.

Why close a file?

If not, depending on the operating system,

  • other programs may not be able to access the file, and
  • changes may not be written to the file.

To ensure a file is closed properly, we can use the with statement:

with open("contact.csv") as f:

The with statement applies to any context manager that provides the methods

  • __enter__ for initialization, and
  • __exit__ for finalization.
with open("contact.csv") as f:
    print(f, hasattr(f, "__enter__"), hasattr(f, "__exit__"), sep="\n")
  • f.__enter__ is called after the file object is successfully created and assigned to f, and
  • f.__exit__ is called at the end, which closes the file.
  • f.closed indicates whether the file is closed.

We can iterate a file object in a for loop,
which implicitly call the method __iter__ to read a file line by line.

with open("contact.csv") as f:
    for line in f:
        print(line, end="")

hasattr(f, "__iter__")
with open("contact.csv") as f:
    for i, line in enumerate(f):
        print(line, end="")
        if i >= 5:

How to write to a text file?

Consider backing up contact.csv to a new file:

destination = "private/new_contact.csv"

The directory has to be created first if it does not exist:

import os

os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination), exist_ok=True)

To write to the destination file:

with open("contact.csv") as source_file:
    with open(destination, "w") as destination_file:
!more {destination}
  • The argument 'w' for open sets the file object to write mode.
  • The method write writes the input strings to the file.
new_data = "Effie, Douglas,, (888) 311-9512"
with open(destination, "a") as f:
!more {destination}

How to delete a file?

Note that the file object does not provide any method to delete the file.
Instead, we should use the function remove of the os module.

if os.path.exists(destination):
!ls {destination}

String Objects

How to search for a substring in a string?

A string object has the method find to search for a substring.
E.g., to find the contact information of Tai Ming:

with open("contact.csv") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.find("Tai Ming") != -1:
            record = line

How to split and join strings?

A string can be split according to a delimiter using the split method.


The list of substrings can be joined back together using the join methods.

first, last = record.split(",")[0].rsplit(" ", maxsplit=1)
print("{}, {}".format(last.upper(), first))

Operator Overloading

Recall that adding str to int raises a type error. The following code circumvented this by creating a subclass of str that overrides the its methods __add__ and __radd__ for addition:

%%optlite -l -h 400
class MyStr(str):
    def __add__(self, a):
        return MyStr(str.__add__(self, str(a)))

    def __radd__(self, a):
        return MyStr(str.__add__(str(a), self))

print(MyStr(1) + 2, 2 + MyStr(1))

How does the above code re-implements +?

Recall that the addition operation + behaves differently for different types.

%%optlite -h 300
for x, y in (1, 1), ("1", "1"), (1, "1"):
    print(f"{x!r:^5} + {y!r:^5} = {x+y!r}")
  • Having an operator perform differently based on its argument types is called operator overloading.
  • + is called a generic operator.

Dispatch on type

The strategy of checking the type for the appropriate implementation is called dispatching on type.

A naive idea is to put all the different implementations together:

def add_case_by_case(x, y):
    if isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int):
        # integer summation
    elif isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str):
        # string concatenation...
        # Return a TypeError
%%optlite -h 500
def add_case_by_case(x, y):
    if isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int):
        print("Do integer summation...")
    elif isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str):
        print("Do string concatenation...")
        print("Return a TypeError...")
    return x + y  # replaced by internal implementations

for x, y in (1, 1), ("1", "1"), (1, "1"):
    print(f"{x!r:^10} + {y!r:^10} = {add_case_by_case(x,y)!r}")

One issue is that supporting a new data type would requires the addition to be re-implemented.

from fractions import Fraction  # non-built-in type for fractions

for x, y in ((Fraction(1, 2), 1), (1, Fraction(1, 2))):
    print(f"{x} + {y} = {x+y}")

Another issue is that developers need to fight for a good spot in the conditional statement to implement additions for the new data type.

These issues can be alleviated in some programming languages such as C and Java that supports function overloading.

%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph what function overloading is, and how it can avoid
writing conditional statement to implement a function for different types.

However, Python does not support function overloading by default, and even if it did, it would still be quite tedious to implement additions for all possible types and combinations:

for x, y in ((1, 1.1), (1, complex(1, 2)), ((1, 2), (1, 2))):
    print(f"{x!r:^10} + {y!r:^10} = {x+y!r}")

Data-directed programming

The solution idea is to treat an implementation as a datum that can be returned by the operand types.

for x, y in (Fraction(1, 2), 1), (1, Fraction(1, 2)):
    print(f"{x} + {y} = {type(x).__add__(x,y)}")  # instead of x + y
  • The first case calls Fraction.__add__, which provides a way to add int to Fraction.
  • The second case calls int.__add__, which cannot provide any way of adding Fraction to int. (Why not?)
%%optlite -h 500
from fractions import Fraction

def add(x, y):
    """Simulate the + operator."""
    sum = x.__add__(y)
    if sum is NotImplemented:
        sum = y.__radd__(x)
    return sum

for x, y in (Fraction(1, 2), 1), (1, Fraction(1, 2)):
    print(f"{x} + {y} = {add(x,y)}")
Solution to Exercise 8

Unlike str which cannot be added to instances of other types such as int, MyStr can be added (concatenated) or reverse added to instances of other types. This is achieved by overloading the + operation with the new implementations of the forward/reverse addition methods __add__ and __radd__.

The OOP techniques involved are formally called:

  • Polymorphism: Different types can have different implementations of the same method such as __add__ and __radd__.
  • Single dispatch: The implementation such as + operation is chosen based on one single type at a time.
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain the differences between polymorphism, inheritance, overloading, 
overriding, and single dispatch in a paragraph or two.
  1. PyBool_Type (bool) specifies PyLong_Type (int) as the tp_base (base class) in the source code

  2. Different objects of a class do not necessarily have the same set of attributes as that defined by the class. While they share the class attributes, each instance can have unique instance attributes.