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Conditional execution allows a program to selectively execute different parts of the code based on specific conditions. This capability enables the program to adapt and respond appropriately to various situations it encounters, making it more flexible and functional. By using boolean expressions and conditional statements, students will learn to direct the flow of execution to handle a wide range of inputs and scenarios effectively.

from __init__ import install_dependencies

await install_dependencies()
import math

from flowcharts import *
from ipywidgets import interact
from dis import dis

%load_ext divewidgets
%load_ext jupyter_ai
%ai update chatgpt dive:chat


Conditional execution means running different pieces of code based on different conditions. Why do programmers need conditional executation?

For instance, when trying to compute a/b, b may be 0 and division by 0 is invalid.

%%optlite -h 450
def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
    print("a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}".format(a, b, a * b, a / b))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)

Although division by 0 is invalid, multiplication remains valid but it is not printed due to the division error.

Can we skip only the division but not the multiplication when b is equal to 0?

Solution 1: Use a conditional expression that specifies which code block should be executed under what condition:

... if ... else ...
def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
    q = a / b if b else "undefined"
    print("a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}".format(a, b, a * b, q))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown

Solution 2: Use a boolean expression:

... and ... or ...
def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
    q = b and a / b or "undefined"
    print("a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}".format(a, b, a * b, q))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown

Solution 3: Monitor and catch the error using a try statement:

def multiply_or_divide(a, b):
        q = a / b
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        q = "undefined"
    print("a:{}, b:{}, a*b:{}, a/b:{}".format(a, b, a * b, q))

multiply_or_divide(1, 2)
multiply_or_divide(1, 0)  # multiplication is valid but not shown

In this notebook, we will introduce the first two solutions. The last one is a better way to handle exceptions when the operations get complicated.

%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in one paragraph, using a simple example, the benefits of using a try statement over conditional checks for handling exceptions and errors.

Comparison Operators

A comparison/relational operators along with its operands form an expression, which evaluates to a boolean value:

True  # if the operands satisfy certain conditions, and
False  # otherwise.

Unlike many other languages, Python capitalized the keywords for the boolean values to signify that they are constants, just like the keyword None. Hence,

true = False  # is invalid in many languages but not Python
False = true  # is valid in many languages but not Python

Equality and Inequalties

The equality and inequality relationships in mathematics are implemented using the following comparison operators:

Table 1:Comparison operators for equality and inequalities

ExpressionTrue iff
x == y[5]x=yx=y.
x < y[6]x<yx<y.
x <= yxyx\leq y.
x > yx>yx>y.
x >= yxyx\geq y.
x != yxyx\neq y.

You can explore these operators using the widgets below:

comparison_operators = ["==", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "!="]

@interact(operand1="10", operator=comparison_operators, operand2="3")
def comparison(operand1, operator, operand2):
    expression = f"{operand1} {operator} {operand2}"
    value = eval(expression)
        f"""{'Expression:':>11} {expression}\n{'Value:':>11} {value}\n{'Type:':>11} {type(value)}"""
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph how the comparison operators == may be represented differently in other programming languages such as maxima, scheme, and bash.

What is the precedence of comparison operators?

All the comparison operators have the same precedence lower than that of + and -.

1 + 2 >= 3  # (1 + 2) >= 3

Similar to the assignment operations, comparison operators can be chained together but they are non-associative.

2.0 == 2 > 1, (2.0 == 2) > 1, 2.0 == (2 > 1)
1 <= 2 < 3 != 4, (1 <= 2) < (3 != 4)
Solution to Exercise 1 #

The second expression indeed does not involve chained comparison. The expressions inside the parentheses are first evaluated to boolean values, both of which are True. Therefore, the entire expression True < True evaluates to False. You can also try evaluating the following expressions for further understanding:

  • False < True
  • - True ** 2 + 1
  • 1 / False

To learn more about the relationship between bool and int, check out PEP 285.

The second expression is not a chained comparison:

  • The expressions in the parentheses are evaluated to boolean values first to True, and so
  • the overall expression True < True is evaluated to False. You may also want to try:
    • False < True
    • - True ** 2 + 1
    • 1 / False

To understand how bool is related to int, see the PEP 285.

# Comparisons beyond numbers
        "10 == 10.",
        '"A" == "A"',
        '"A" == "A "',
        '"A" != "a"',
        '"A" > "a"',
        '"aBcd" < "abd"',
        '"A" != 64',
        '"A" < 64',
def relational_expression(expression):
Solution to Exercise 2 #
  1. Checks whether an integer is equal to a floating point number.
  2. Checks whether two characters are the same.
  3. Checks whether two strings are the same. Note the space character.
  4. Checks whether a character is larger than the order character according to their unicodes.
  5. Checks whether a string is lexicographically smaller than the other string.
  6. Checks whether a character is not equal to an integer.
  7. TypeError because there is no implementation that evaluates whether a string is smaller than an integer.

Comparing float

How to compare floating point numbers?

x = 10
y = (x ** (1 / 3)) ** 3
x == y

One method of comparing floating point numbers is:

abs_tol = 1e-9
y - abs_tol <= x <= y + abs_tol

where abs_tol, often denoted as δabs\delta_{\text{abs}}, is a positive number called the absolute tolerance.

Why call it absolute tolerance?

Note that the test remains unchanged if we swap x and y:

abs_tol = 1e-9
x - abs_tol <= y <= x + abs_tol

Using the absolute function abs, we can also rewrite the comparison as follows:

abs_tol = 1e-9
abs(x - y) <= abs_tol

Is an absolute tolerance of 1e-9 good enough?

The same absolute tolerance fails if we set x = 1e10 instead of 10?

x = 1e10
y = (x ** (1 / 3)) ** 3

abs_tol = 1e-9
abs(x - y) <= abs_tol

Why does the same absolute tolerance fail to tolerate the difference between x and y? This is because floating point numbers “float” at different scales.

A better way is to use the isclose function from math module.

math.isclose(x, y)

How does isclose work?

For example, we can check whether xx is within a certain percentage of yy:

rel_tol = 1e-9
y * (1 - rel_tol) <= x <= y * (1 + rel_tol)

Note that the above test is not symmetric between xx and yy, i.e., xx is relatively close to yy does not necessarily mean yy is relatively close to xx.

x = 1
y = 2
rel_tol = 0.5
y * (1 - rel_tol) <= x <= y * (1 + rel_tol), x * (1 - rel_tol) <= y <= x * (1 + rel_tol)

To make the comparison symmetric:

rel_tol = 1e-9
x = 1e10
y = (x ** (1 / 3)) ** 3
abs(x - y) <= rel_tol * max(abs(x), abs(y))

What if xx or yy is very close to 0? For instance, can you change rel_tol so that math.isclose returns True?

x = 1e-15
y = 0
math.isclose(x, y, rel_tol = 1e-9)

For the most flexible comparison, one can impose both the absolute and relative tolerances:

rel_tol, abs_tol = 1e-9, 0.0
x = 1e-15
y = 0
abs(x - y) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(x), abs(y)), abs_tol)

Conditional Constructs

To illustrate how python can carry out conditional execution, we will consider writing a program that sorts values in ascending order.

If-Then Construct

How to sort two values?

Given two values are stored as x and y, we want to

  • print(x,y) if x <= y, and
  • print(y,x) if y < x.

Such a program flow is often represented by a flowchart like the following:


How to read the flowchart?

A flowchart uses arrows to connects a set of annotated blocks. The rules were first specified by ANSI and later adopted in ISO 5807.

Why use a program flowchart?

A program flowchart is a powerful way of describing an algorithm quickly. Unlike a text-based programming language:

  • The rules governing the program flow can be shown explicitly by arrows.
  • The annotated graphical blocks can convey the meaning faster using visual clues.

How to implements the flowchart in python?

It is often useful to delay detailed implementations until we have written an overall skeleton. To leave a block empty, Python uses the keyword pass.

# write a code skeleton
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    # print the smaller value first followed by the larger one

sort_two_values(1, 0)
sort_two_values(1, 2)

Without pass, the code will fail to run, preventing you from checking other parts of the code.

Python provides the if statement to implement the control flow specified by the diamond boxes in the flowchart.

def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        # print x before y
    if y < x: pass  # print y before x

sort_two_values(1, 0)
sort_two_values(1, 2)

To complete the implementations specified by the parallelogram boxes in the flow chart, we fill in the bodies/suites of the if statements as follows:

def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)
    if y < x: print(y, x)

@interact(x="1", y="0")
def sort_two_values_app(x, y):
    print("Values in ascending order:")
    sort_two_values(eval(x), eval(y))

Test the program by filling in different values of x and y above.

We can visualize the execution as follows. Step through the execution to

  • see which lines are skipped, and
  • understand why they are skipped.
%%optlite -h 450
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)
    if y < x: print(y, x)

sort_two_values(1, 0)
sort_two_values(1, 2)

If-Then-Else Construct

Can the sorting algorithm be improved further?

Consider the following modified flowchart:


This can implemented by the else clause of the if statement as follows:

%%optlite -h 450
def sort_two_values(x, y):
    if x <= y:
        print(x, y)
        print(y, x)

sort_two_values(1, 0)
sort_two_values(1, 2)

Can we shorten the code to one line? This is possible with the conditional expression.

def sort_two_values(x, y):
    print(("{0} {1}" if x <= y else "{1} {0}").format(x, y))

@interact(x="1", y="0")
def sort_two_values_app(x, y):
    print("Values in ascending order:")
    sort_two_values(eval(x), eval(y))
Solution to Exercise 5

A conditional expression must be an expression:

  1. It must give a value under all cases. To enforce that, else keyword must be provided.
  2. An assignment statement does not return any value and therefore cannot be used for the conditional expression.
    x = 1 if True else 0 is valid because x = is not part of the conditional expression.

Nested Conditionals

Now, consider a slight more challenging problem of sorting three values instead of two. A feasible algorithm is as follows:


To implement flowchart, we can use nested conditional constructs, where one conditional statement is placed within another, allowing for multiple layers of condition checks:

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    if x <= y <= z:
        print(x, y, z)
        if x <= z <= y:
            print(x, z, y)
            if y <= x <= z:
                print(y, x, z)
                if y <= z <= x:
                    print(y, z, x)
                    if z <= x <= y:
                        print(z, x, y)
                        print(z, y, x)

def test_sort_three_values():
    sort_three_values(0, 1, 2)
    sort_three_values(0, 2, 1)
    sort_three_values(1, 0, 2)
    sort_three_values(1, 2, 0)
    sort_three_values(2, 0, 1)
    sort_three_values(2, 1, 0)


Imagine what would happen if we have to sort many values. The program will not only be long, but also fat due to the indentation. To avoid an excessively long line due to the indentation, Python provides the elif keyword that combines else and if.

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    if x <= y <= z:
        print(x, y, z)
    elif x <= z <= y:
        print(x, z, y)
    elif y <= x <= z:
        print(y, x, z)
    elif y <= z <= x:
        print(y, z, x)
    elif z <= x <= y:
        print(z, x, y)
        print(z, y, x)

def sort_three_values(x, y, z):
    # How many comparisons are needed in a program to sort n numbers?
    if x > y:
        x, y = y, x
    if y > z:
        y, z = z, y
    if x > y:
        x, y = y, x
    print(x, y, z)

sort_three_values(10, 17, 14)
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in one paragraph what the minimum possible number of comparisons needed to sort n numbers is and why it is not the same as the maximum number of inversions.

Boolean Operations

Since chained comparisons are non-associative, it follows a different evaluation rule than arithmetic operators.

E.g., 1 <= 2 < 3 != 4 is equivalent to:

1 <= 2 and 2 < 3 and 3 != 4

The above is called a compound boolean expression, which is formed using the boolean/logical operator and.

Why use boolean operators?

What if we want to check whether a number is either <0< 0 or 100\geq 100?

The following program checks whether a number is either <0< 0 or 100\geq 100:

# Check if a number is outside a range.
def check_out_of_range(x):
    x_ = float(x)
    is_out_of_range = x_ < 0 or x_ >= 100
    print("Out of range [0,100):", is_out_of_range)
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph why the set of operators including only "and" is not functionally complete.
%%ai chatgpt -f text
Explain in a paragraph why the set of operators "and", "or", and "not" is functionally complete.

The following table is called a truth table. It enumerates all possible input and output combinations for each boolean operator available in Python:

Table 2:Truth table for different logical operators

xyx and yx or ynot x
Solution to Exercise 7
  • Expression A evaluates to True because and has higher precedence and so the expression has the same value as True or (False and True).
  • Expression B evaluates to False because and is left associative and so the expression has the same value as (True and False) and True.
  • Expression C evaluates to True because and has a higher precedence and so the expression has the same value as True or (True and False). Note that (True or True) and False evaluates to something False instead, so precedence matters.

A compound boolean expression actually uses a short-circuit evaluation.

To understand this, we will use the following function to evaluate a boolean expression verbosely.

def verbose(id, expr):
    """Identify evaluated boolean expressions."""
    print(id, "evaluated:", expr)
    return expr

For instance:

verbose("1st expression", True)
verbose("2nd expression", False)

Short-circuit or

Consider evaluating True or False and True in a verbose manner:

verbose("A", verbose(1, True) or verbose(2, False) and verbose(3, True))

Why the second and third expressions are not evaluated?

Because True or ... must be True (why?) so Python does not look further. From the documentation:

Short-circuit evaluation of or

The expression x or y

  1. first evaluates x;
  2. if x is true, its value is returned;
  3. otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Put it another way, (x or y) translate to the following

_ if (_ := x) else y

Program 1:Translation of (x or y)

except for the extra variable _. For example, True or False and True translates to _ if (_ := True) else False and True:

verbose("A", (_ if (_ := verbose(1, True)) else verbose(2, False) and verbose(3, True)))

Short-circuit and

Now, consider evaluating False or False and True in a verbose manner:

False or False and True
verbose("B", verbose(4, False) or verbose(5, False) and verbose(6, True))

Why expression 6 is not evaluated?

False or False and ... must be False so Python does not look further.

Short-circuit evaluation of and

The expression x and y first evaluates x;
if x is false, its value is returned;
otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Put it another way, (x and y) translate to the following

_ if not (_ := x) else y

Program 2:Translation of (x and y)

except for the extra variable _. For example, False or False and True translates to False or (_ if not (_ := False) else True):

    "B", verbose(4, False) or (_ if not (_ := verbose(5, False)) else verbose(6, True))

Non-Boolean Values for Boolean Operations and Control Flow Statements

Interestingly, Python also allows logical operations to have non-boolean operands and return values. From the documentation:

Boolean interpretation

In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as false:

  • False
  • None
  • Numeric zero of all types
  • Empty strings and containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and frozensets)

All other values are interpreted as true.

The following is an application of this rule.

print("You have entered", input() or "nothing")
Solution to Exercise 8 #
  • The code replaces an empty user input by the default string nothing because an empty string is regarded as False in a boolean operation.
  • If user input is non-empty, it is regarded as True in the boolean expression and returned immediately as the value of the boolean operation.
input(1) or input(2) and input(3)
Solution to Exercise 9

Enter ’ ', ‘’ and then ‘’.

_ if (_ := input(1)) else (_ := input(3)) if (_ := input(2)) else _
%%ai chatgpt -f text
In Python, explain in one paragraph what is the value of the following expression:
0 == False and 1 == True
  1. The equality operator == consists of two equal signs, different from the assignment operator =.

  2. Different from C or javascript:

    • We can write 1 != 2 as not 1 == 2 but not !(1 == 2) because
    • ! is not a logical operator. It is used to call a system shell command in IPython.
  3. Thonny is an IDE based on TKinter, which requires a proper desktop environment to run.

  4. You can also launch a terminal in the remote desktop and run the command thonny.

  5. You can copy and paste code into the remote desktop by clicking Remote Clipboard button at the top right of the browser page and pasting your code into the textbox that appears below.

  6. Short-cut keys for Thonny may not work as the keys may be captured by the browser or your OS before they can reach Thonny.